This is a useful technique to use when you are trying to decide upon an alternative behavior.Imagine a person who is the same as you in every respect, but does not have OCD. Then imagine what your OCD free twin would do, and act 'as if' you were your OCD free twin.
Friends, family members, and caregivers can also use this principle if they are unsure how to interact with you. They can also imagine your OCd free twin, and strive towards treating you in the way they would your OCD free twin.
The Survey Method:
If you really cannot decide (or cannot agree!) on an alternative behavior, try the survey method, and quiz family and friends about what they'd do in a specific situation. However, be careful that this doesnt become a ritual for seeking reassurance or a means of justifyimg a ritual.
The survey method can also be a useful way of gathering information about kinds of intrusive thoughts, images, and impulses. Take a poll of your relatives' and friends' strangest, most upsetting, or even funniest intrusive thoughts, images or impulses. You may need to give them a few examples to get them started, but you will probably be pretty surprised at what does go through the average person's mind. However, because it means nothing to them, they may notice them very easily and forget about them easily, so beware of thinking that they don't have such thoughts if they say they can't call any to mind when you ask them.