
Feeling Good

If 10,000 PEOPLE say we are good, but we feel bad, we will believe we are bad. Conversely, if 10,000 people say we are bad, but we feel good, we believe we are good...we are what we feel.

Countless bad experiences caused us to feel bad and believe that we were bad, not good enough in same way; everything else followed. To turn this around, we can do the opposite: feel good as often as we can, in as many varied ways that we can until our world starts to revolve around feeling good instead of feeling bad.

However, our feelings, thoughts and actions (the anxiety-related problems) all support feeling bad, the connections are many and strong. Feeling good doesn't fit (just like not being able to accept a compliment); it goes against everything we are.

Therefore, we need to wait a while, to practise acceptance and distraction and develop good habits regarding relaxation, exercise, diet and sleep until the connection weaken. When they do, we can start to shape nem ones, strong connections around good feelings and everything else will follow.

To do this, we need to do countless things that make us feel good naturally ( not using artificial stimulants which reprent false control) to forge many new and varied connections.And we don't need to think about anything, we are not trying to be good or having to be good, we just need to experience the feeling -all we have to do is notice and accept the feeling, just feel the feeling good.

Here are some ways we can feel good:-

- Surround ourselves with beautiful things
pictures, paintings, photographs, furnitures, furnishings - things that makes us feel good when we look at/ use them.

- Hobbies and activities
Finding something that we sincerely, unreservedly and guiltlessly enjoy doing and doing it often.

- Reading
Depending on what we read, it can calm, inspire, amaze and empower us.

- Listening to music
Studies have shown that listening to music can relieve stress and is good for the heart and mind. It can affect us in many ways similar to reading. Singing and dancing provide even more good feelings.

- Walking
Can clear the mind; give us some fresh air and a break from the many chores of life. Try walking barefoot in the grass occasionally and break down society's barriers between ourselves and nature. Feeling the earth beneath the bare soles of our feet can make us feel secure - if we let it.

- Dress
When we feel down we may often dress correspondingly. Conversly dressing in fine clothes can make us feel good.
The more and varied the information we can provide, the stronger will be the connections that we form.
so, we need to use as many senses as possible in the things we do to feel good. Others ways include:-

- Touch
The skin, the largest organ in the body contains around 500,000 receptors for touch and pressure.Touch is directly related to the emotions ( think how you feel when you are touched by some one who loves you); babies fail to thrive if they receive little or no affection in their early days and smoking produces friendly, loving animals.

Massage makes us feel good and we can get many of the same benefits through self-massage. Learn how to do it; self-massage of areas such as: the head, tummy, and abdomen can produce pleasent feelings inside. Do it with no preconceptions, associations or expectations - just experience the feelings.

- Smell
Like touch, smell has deep connections to our emotions. We are only beginning to discover the power of it; take, for example, the unconscious recognition of immune systems through pheromones. Researchers have found that up to 10,000 proteins are used in our smell receptors and that each has its own genes, an awful lot of genes for one sense. Perhaps whenever we are feeling good, we should pay particular attention to any associated smells?


-> Help
When ever we help others we help ourselves.

-> Appreciate
When we appreciate something or someone, we are feeling the good in them. A goodness in ourselves generated from What we think about others. Next time you see something or someone that is beautiful just appreciate the beauty (dont make any comparisons) - see how you feel.Hand-in-Hand with appreciation goes gratitude - when you feel good and good things happen to you, be thankful.

-> Praise
If we genunily give deserved praise, it makes others feel good and when we make others feel good, we cannot help but make ourselves feel good.

-> Present(to, or give)
Whatever we give with a good heart (examples include: a smile, compliment, letter, phone call, visit, gift, love, kindness)

-> You
When our personal space is invaded we feel threatened; notice the uncomfortable feelings that people have when strangers get too close, as in lifts or on public transport. Take a few minutes each day just for you, in your own space.Remember, dont force anything, just be true to yourself.We are not trying to be good; We are not trying 'how to be'. We don't have to be anything for we are good as we are - all we have to do is generate the good feelings and accept them.
