
How Much Can OCD Affect a Person's Life

The severity of OCD differs markedly from one person to another, but each person's distress is very real. A person with OCD can appear to function perfectly normally despite being greatly distressed. This makes it becomes for some individuals to hide their OCD - often even from their own family. OCD generally tends to have an impact on all areas of your life-relationships, family life, social life, hobbies, and the ability to work. You can measure the degree to which OCD handicaps your life by completing by disability and then going the same thing again during and after working through the self- help program.

OCD often causes havoc in intimate relationships, and a large number of those with the condition are celibate. For those who do marry or enter long-term partnerships, discord, separation and divorce are disproportionately common.

There are many examples of how OCD might impact on family life.A person with OCD might try to ensure that other family members avoid touching 'contaminated' objects around the house, wash excessively when they have touched something 'contaminated', or leave certain clothes or shoes outside. Another might want other family members to check the door-lock repeatedly, or may constantly be seeking assurance that nothing bad has happened. There are frequent difficulties taking trips or holidays. Not surprisingly, these kinds of restriction may lead to bursts of anger and growing irritation on the part of other members of the family.

OCD tends to interfere with your ability to follow a hobby or interest or to make a normal friendships. It interferes with your ability to study or work, sometimes making it impossible, and at the least putting you at a disadvantage. Statistically, you are more likely to be unemployed if you have OCD. Lost productivity is responsible for about three-quarters of the economic cost of OCD.

It's worth repeating here that OCD is in the top ten most handicapping illness as calculated by the World Health Organization in terms of lost income and decreased quality of life. Indeed, it is worth pointing this out over and over again, almost chanting it as a mantra, to politicians, health purchasers, doctors, and psychologists until OCD is taken seriously, and more resources are made available for research, treatment and specialist services.

People with OCD do not generally tend to commit suicide or be violent, and this may be one reason why OCD is regarded as alow priority for research and clinival work; and yet someone with OCD canm be just as handicapped and distressed as someone with schizophrenia or severe depression.

Getting treatment to overcome OCD will improve the quality of your life and give you the oppurtunity to improve your relationships, your social life and ability to study or work.
